The story I'm about to tell is real and even it
happened to me do not miss reading it
because victims like me abound in this world and you can be next one.
My name is Cirelda González Martínez Identification number 7.013.606 and I am just
a common citizen of the Republic of
Venezuela. I'm neither the richest nor the most important person in the
country. Only one more of those who live their lives day by day with the same
simplicity the rest of society lives.
I discovered what a Drug Cartel was when I was three
years old. In those days reached the town of Montalban, Carabobo State thugs
from various regions of the country and settled as pawns in the California Ranch
which is my property.
A Drug Cartel is a brotherhood of criminals who
support each other and perform tasks organized like a company. Drug is the most
profitable crime in this world. The members are picked early in the school and
the children of cartel members born to be part of it from the beginning of
their lives. They learn early how to sale and transport it and above all they learn
all Rites of Sainteers.
It's no secret that sorcery is inherent to the Drug Cartels
not only because many of their Rites are practiced under the intaking of certain
drugs but because she gives the desired impunity to the Cartel members.
Nobody is so clever and creative when transporting as
drug dealers. Drug can be carried within the body of the so-called mules (a
mule is someone who carries the drugs hidden inside his body or in his luggage)
but there are many other ways to transport drugs. It can go inside the body of
a vehicle, the fuselage of an airplane or double bottom conteiners. It can be
mixed with other substances and labeled under a false name and then be refined at
reached destination. Perhaps the most shocking method is the use of dead babies
as suitcase. The child is emptied, filled with drugs and sewed to cross in
airports and frontiers as if he was asleep. There also count witchcraft when
hiding odors is needed.
In the Drug Company are hired from lawyers, chemists,
physicists, engineers, drivers and workers to artists and models but also
prostitutes, housewives and people without any instructions. Everyone is liable
to fall into their cells. Who is a member of a Cartel is a thief and murderer,
rapist and child molester, white slaver and slanderer. There is no crime they would
not commit to achieve their goal. Harassment and threatening are their style. Their
favorite trading place is a brothel. To recruit new members they destroy
their lives and defame them in a way they will lose the credibility and support of their people. Make them lose their employment again and
again leaving them prey of the Cartel that will drag them to the bottom of hell
without any compassion.
They often surround you of their accomplices which
offer themselves as the solution every time they cause you a problem. Haunt you
and pretend they are trying to get you out witchcraft others make. They damage
your life in every possible way because from misery and despair is easier to get
you into the underworld they lead. With no friends nor money and no one to hand
you any help you eventually fall into their cells. Only one out of a hundred
victims escapes to the Cartel cells.
Drug has accomplices in all state offices of all
countries of the world: governments, municipalities, prefectures, police,
military groups, hospitals, universities, schools, markets, companies, prisons,
rehabilitation centers, churches. Wherever you go they are. They find ways to
reach important positions within those organizations to protect their own from
that places and help them to cause damage to you common citizen.
Cultivating feedstock requires large tracts of land which
they achieved by threat, murder and witchcraft. In the Venezuelan fields landowners
pay what is called vaccine which is an exorbitant amount of money they have to
provide the Cartel with periodically to preserve the owner’s life and not be
subjected of kidnappings.
So far I think I've paved enough the way to help you
understand the details of the story I'll tell. It's my story and I hope it serves
you good Christian and citizen to find the way to save your own life and your
I was born in Venezuela; in the bosom of a traditional
Jewish family which like all Jews of that time hided their beliefs for fear to
see the genocide repeated against their families. Although it was not obvious
anyone who knew doctrine could infer our beliefs because we fed ourselves and
lived as Jews without practicing any Rite but sacrifice since World War was
still fresh in the memory of those who lived it. My mom was so scared that once
she entered a room of a house, in the village, in which they practiced
necromancy and seeing a table full of corpses left desperate and ran on the
streets screaming for help saying Mendeleev was not dead, he was there and
wanted to kill her. It was easy for them, after that scandal; to pretend my
mother was going crazy and had not seen anything but had a hallucination.
The California Ranch covered a large tract of land in
the hills of Montalban., It began before the Agua Linda stream up to beyond La
Mesa. It was a coffee Ranch but what my mom wanted to grow was Cocoa and as we
needed laborers who knew how to sow the new item the Cartel del Centro, merged out
of a mixture between the Cartel de la Goajira and the Cartel del Llano, found
easy to installed as pawns to destroy us from within without suspicion and steal
the Ranch. Soon they began to practice witchcraft rites in our Ranch without
our consent and increasingly seriousness begun to commit crimes against us. I
remember, for example, they bewitched a pawn whose last name wasTarazona bitten
by a Mapanare, according to them to save him but the man possessed and
controlled by evil spirits took a blade and threw himself against the other
pawns to kill them, my mother had to force them to remove witchcraft so she
could heal the pawn. I remember that experience because after that the man was
behind my mother everywhere she went, like a faithful dog.
At the same time they were inside as laborers began to
spread rumors about how they were the rightful owners and we were invaders. In
their history they had gone on vacation to Mexico and back from their 45 days
trip found my mother had invaded the Ranch which belonged to my mom since more
than 30 years before those days and a woman claimed to be a daughter abandoned
by my mother and asked everyone to help her rip my mother’s property because it
was her legacy. They said mom was a prostitute and we all had different
fathers. In those days dishonoring someone was even worse than today and in a
miserable’s place like Montalban someone without honor was easy prey to all kind
of thugs.
"Divide and conquer" has always been the
tactic of the Cartel. At the same time they were slandering lies about my
mother they told lies to my older sisters which as all girls grown in small
places were easy to dupe. I remember hearing one of them tell my sister that
Elbeticus, ancient language (spoken before Hebrew existed) my mother spoke did
not exist. He said what existed was Aramaic and only witches spoke it. Also
said my mother’s look was identical to Maria Leonza, “a common Indian was all
my mom was.” My mother was white with
the distinctive appearance of the Andalusian and Moorish mixture with Jews. (I
was already a teenager when I read the story of Maria Leonza a Spanish citizen that
was raped by domestic slaves who run into the woods completely naked screaming
for help and was devoured by wild beasts and in my reading room I have books
written in the Elbeticus which never existed).
Parallel to this they had planned to bewitch my mother
and make her go through the village naked, riding a Danta so farmers would
think Maria Leonza had moved to our the mount of Montalban and would not dare to
climb it again. The same awe Sorte inspires with all its witches and Queen
Maria Leonza walking by. This way no one would notice there was Marijuana and Poppies
growing on the hills? Our Ranch seemed as a good shield because according to them, the Marijuana
growing between the coffee plantation wouldn’t be notice from police
helicopters nor would be seen the poppies
growing under the canopy of the cocoa trees. They even got the Danta. My
sisters became so scared of my mother for being a witch they did not want to
speak Elbeticus anymore.
I understand talking about witchcraft is somewhat bold
and maybe you will not believe me because it is not common that those who do
not practice it know the scope and power of sorcery. This is a knowledge which was
outlawed by God and the ones who know it without being witches often know it
because we have been victims of sorcerers and have suffered greatly trying to
save ourselves from our enemies. Besides I cannot prove what just I feel, hear
or suffer. It is easier for you to give me accents of craziness than giving me your
credibility but as the ones who practice witchcraft as a rite has tattoos and
marks on their bodies that give them the power they hold the victims of
sorcerers have marks on their bodies that show they have been attacked by
witches. It is common that witches dyed with ink the areas of the body where
they invoked the damage and make punctures to create red, black and brown dots
simulating spots. Usually they seem to
be forming an inverted triangle with every three dots which is the sign that a
harm was invoked upon you. They also write letters, whole words and symbols on the
bodies of their victims and then cover the area witch’s ink to hide them. They
do it in areas that get suntanned with sun: face, neck, forearms, hands, feet and part of
the legs because often the person doesn’t notice that isn’t suntanned but
colored how she is. They also do it on areas we don’t review frequently; under the
bust, in the valve, per-anal region and
on the nipples, also do it on lips and inside the mouth. In the male genitalia
because as the area is a bit darker than the rest of the body may be that the
person doesn’t notice that it’s now darker and do it on teeth because it will look
like dark spots of intake colorimetric bacterial substances such as coffee and
You may wonder why? These Rites are practiced for people
who want to be beautiful and young and are vile enough to destroy others to get
what they want. Movie and TV artists practice this kind of rites. They have many clients in the Venezuelan TV but in
the world of drugs this serves to hide your true identity and foist on others
what you did.
A sorcerer can steal your face at will and also the
appearance of your body; can steal your youth and your health. He can make you
pervert and become addicted through jobs as the spell of Lilith which is a
female demon invoked to prostitute. He can steal part of your memory so that
you do not remember what is not suitable to him and provoke diseases and severe
pain and even make a doctor diagnose you the ill you are not suffering and if
you seek the opinion of other doctors will find you healthy. He can invoke your
downfall and your death, can make walk while sleeping to take you out of home to bewitch you and bring you back to your bed without awaking so
you won’t find out what happened, can
kill you in every way possible. They are not friends of anyone, will cause all
the damage you had seen him do to others and in the best case will at least
corrupt you. It is not good to make friends among the worshipers of Satan. But
let me return to my story because I do not want to lose direction.
When my father died they convinced my sisters that
they had raised dad from his grave in another body. Three of them spent a week
chasing a man through the streets crying instead of going to school because they
believed he was our father who pretended to be dead to abandon us. My mother
found it out and had to juggle to convince her daughters that father was truly dead.
Imagine how much ingenuity fit on the head of girls grown amid a thicket. I
remember seeing him at dad’s funeral and was so much alike with my dad that I
decided that what was in the box was the old skin like a snake and now he was
so young he couldn’t be my dad but looked at my mother who did looked old and felt
release because I still had a mom. The truth in all this is that after my
father’s death destroying my mom was a breeze.
They ransacked and robbed us every day to bring us
into almost total misery. They would came while we slept, steal and destroy and
the next morning would gave us part of the stolen to make up the idea that we
were beggars. At par they subtracted shopping bills my mom had done and the next
morning broke into our home arming scandal to force us to pay for the second time
what my mother had bought for cash they were stealing and destroying our
clothes and shoes so we had to dress in rags for this way they would give
credibility to their story of how we had invaded the Ranch where my oldest
sisters were born.
Our problem reached unfathomable nuances when they found
my father had made a mining claim by a bloom of iron in our land before he died.
The Mining Company existing then, VEMICA said there was a small reef but there
was no formal beta and it was expensive to exploit such a small amount but as
there are caves and my father had found inside them axes of Stone Age cave
paintings and petro glyphs nearby. These people claimed that what we had was
gold and diamonds and the caves were an abandoned mine. With that story got all
the people in town to participate in their crimes against us. "What was
below the land belonged to everyone and we had to pay to the whole town its
share of our assets"
Finally, to force my mom sign a land transferring. They
kidnapped her, wrapped her in a mat and beaten in her eighth month of
pregnancy. Then they tied her to the ceiling, standing on a wheel that was
within a blot of water, put electricity on her nipples and genitals and raped
with a broomstick. My brother fell on the rim, still alive. They threw him on a
table, and killed him by a hit. What they did was fruitless. Mama could not
cede the land because it was in my name and I was a little girl covered by the child
protection law so they freed her under the threat that they would kill us all
if someone came to find out that she was no longer pregnant or what they did.
Three years later my terrified mother still wore a pillow attached to the
abdomen in order of them. Finally, pretending to be our cousins they stole nearly
all the money we had left in the bank
.Without money to pay the laborers the crop was lost
and as my older sisters were to enter university mama order Oscar Rodriguez
Saavedra, who besides being her lawyer was complicit in our enemies, to buy us
a house in Valencia and got a job in the Central Hospital to come across our
new situation. What the lawyer bought us was a ruined house in a very poor side
right across Juan Carlos Perez brothel that in those days was headed by Ana
Pinto, alias Ana Campos. The first night we were greeted with a storm of
stones. Those who made our life hell in the village were there to continue
their dastardly work and spent on it the 15 years it took us to get up again
and leave the neighborhood.
In the neighborhood they were called “the moles” (Los
Topos) because they opened large tunnels to commit their crimes and so many opened
under the maximum security Tocuyito Prison to come and go at will it was
necessary to put several concrete barriers around (underground) to try to
contain them. In the 70's they built a still at the top of the mount of
Naguanagua which was reached through a tunnel in the backyard of the house besides
the house in front of mine. One day they rented the house to a young lady with
two small children. Back from school the lady brought me into her yard showed
me what looked like an open cistern told me she was afraid that her children would
fall and asked if I knew who could close it. I said "call the fire
department" Firemen alerted DISIP detectives and they toured the long way
to the top of the mountain without needing oxygen. The still was filled with
processed and unprocessed drugs and chemicals for preparing the same. The press
described it as a masterpiece of Venezuelan engineering.
As in Montalban terror was their weapon to frighten
onlookers. The UFOs which since long before was said were landing on the mount
were helicopters landing to carry drugs and the light aliens emitted was a
sheet of brass that marked the mouth of the still so it could be seen from air.
The stockpile of drugs for which alias Ana Campos was sentenced to 20 years in
prison and got the benefit of sentence reduced was theirs but the moles have
refined their modus operandi and are now known as the “Committee to search for
homes.” They operate in Christian churches and occupy leadership positions
within them. Mormons is the group I intend to speak about but they also operate
between the Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists, Evangelicals and Catholics.
Conceal their criminal life and pagan rites under the habit of priests of the
highest God. Lead in the church, the community and armed groups. From their
seats is easy to help others to get away with what they do but also assaulting
members, destroy families to make them work for them. Defame their victims is
easy when occupying places of importance and once lost the credibility of the
church and family is easier to be enslaved. In the ruin and with no one to hand any help you eventually accept
My family and I converted to Christianism shortly
before I turned 7 years old and some time after we met the Mormons. Back in
those days the Cartel del Centro was already in the church but their activity
didn’t show any noticeable evidence of the loss of values in
the members of the church yet. Gospel served them only to refine their
activities. Today they work similarly to the Korihor gang found in the Book of
Mormon and call themselves the "Committee To Search Homes" As in the
days of Korihor, wherever you go in search of justice they will be to obstruct it
and erase every proof of what did to you
What they do is to haunt and dope you, and rape you in
such a circumstance you cannot prove your innocence. Their relatives in the
church serve as false witnesses of your depravity. They slander and steal you to drive you to ruin. Their main
objective is your house. They will even kill you to get it. If you flee abroad,
usually leave your house in the hand of a member who will rent it for you but
ends up being their kinsman and you lose your home. If you stay will live in
ruin and discredit for the rest of your life. With the stolen they go abroad
for a few days ride, waste in a few hours what it took you a lifetime to get to
In all cases the victim is accused of minors’
corruption because rapists are always younger than the victim and if they are not
they will steal your youth through witchcraft’s rites. In all cases they put
you on the edge of excommunication or excommunicate you completely. This is
done to force you to convert to Sainteers from where complete perversion is what
follows. If they achieve their goal they will take into your bed a Taxi driver,
always younger than you and as a concubine to be attending to church pretending
to be married to you because Sainteers do not marry but practice the ritual of
hands tying ancient pagans used.
Do not lose sight of the fact that I said taxi driver,
the victims say "Orbi trans" and “Union Transporte Pinto” but I'll tell you
this later.
They settle around your house, taking turns like a job
and harass you 24 hours a day with the intention of driving you to physical
exhausting not just to make you hard to keep working but to make you fall into
such a deep sleep that it will be easy to rise you up to get into your house to
steal, destroy, bewitch you and assault you without any risk for them since you
will be helpless.
The way they perform their rites is simply disgusting.
They use semen, feces, mucus, Urine, Blood, Saliva, Hair, Nails, witch’s ink
and other garbage. After every week of harassment they go to church on Sunday to
pretend they are the decent ones and smear and assault you with the help of
their accomplices. Some of the victims lose even their faith in God and leave
church forever. Harassment is brutal; they will not stop until getting your
home or kill you. By slander and deceit they get the cooperation of your family,
in the end they are your worst enemies.
The victim is always accused of being schizophrenic to
ensure not only that he will not be respected nor pay attention to his case,
but the help of vile people, capable of doing anything against the vulnerable. They
are also accused of having no academic instruction; this way get the help of
cheats who usually get profit from the assets of those who do not know the
The first time I got to fight the Committee I was a
teenager just out of high school and gone to study at Brigham Young University
at the suggestion of Bishop Dick Fernandez who had assured me it would be the
most edifying experience in my life. They settled in the vicinity of my
residence which was 392 North 750 East. Ream Apartments. Provo. Utah. They even
managed to locate two of their accomplices in my apartment. Embezzled my
account at Zion's First National City Bank, stole and destroyed my clothes and
goods every day, slandered me at will and each time they committed a crime
against me sent someone to offer me an illegal job in sweatshop clothing that
worked in the house of a Peruvian family, which had lived in Valencia,
Venezuela and was now living in Payson, Utah. They must have had the intention
to involve me in drug dealing because
when I moved out and stopped talking to everyone who knew them they bewitched me to revenge.
Returned to Venezuela and shortly after I married an
army officer I met in my military training phase. In my constant going from
town to town saw many faithful members of the church fall into the hands of the
Committee, I didn’t know clearly what was going on but there was a modus
operandi repeated in all victims. At the same time they assaulted members
defamed me in the barracks, they attacked my husband and my children, stole and
bewitched me and always managed to sneak some of their accomplices in the bed
of my husband who was not a member and had a terrible opinion of church because
they drunk and had sex with him and said they were Mormons. He once told me I
was the only decent woman in church for all of the rest had had sex with him.
I lived it very closely the second time I moved to San
Cristobal, Táchira State because their victims were an ex-missionary who was a
close friend of mine from the days when she served her mission and a president
of the Relief Society who as well as being my friend was my hairdresser and babysat my children on school holidays. Even when I was in the president’s
disciplinary tribunal and stopped her excommunication I had no clear how
widespread the dastardly work of the Committee was until I myself was assaulted
the third time that I moved to Caracas.
My bullies are the government representatives, members
of the Armed Forces, DISIP, police and employees of public and private
institutions who are supported by relatives who worked for Chavez and cooperated
with him in his coup attempt “The Sainteers’ Brotherhood.”
The first thing I found in my ward was that everyone treated
each other as enemies, managed to overcome the situation and help to improve
the relationship between them. I had not notice yet the relation between my neighbors’
behavior and church’s members. Soon I discovered that witches and prostitutes
around my house were Mormons. They attend to church in a different ward than me
wearing missionary plates on their chests and pretending to have gone to train
the rule missionaries moved into missionary residences. This way they located
new accomplices and captured new victims. They had already been 17 years long
littering my honor at the vilest way.
A man I do not even know who called himself Juan
Rotelio Rodriguez claimed to have been my husband and have children with me and
that I had left them to live as concubine with a rich man for he was just a
taxi driver. Said that was the reason why he did not attend to church and
visited all Mormons telling his drama. A couple of thieves who called
themselves Juan Carlos Perez and Cirelda Ana Gonzalez (the latter according to
all the victims is the owner of “Orbi trans"), claimed to be the children
I had left in the brothel of their father Juan Carlos Perez, alias “The Devil
Pérez” and as he forced them to have sex with him and work in the brothel they
were looking for the prostitute who abandoned them to take away everything she
had for that is their inheritance. According to them my son, identical to my
husband, and my daughter, alike with my mother, both of them more than fifteen
years younger than the claimers were collected from the garbage to replace my
real children and they had been changed in childhood. There were also 16 men (some
were almost my same age) assuring that I who have two children born by caesarean
section because I cannot give birth, gave birth to all of them and left them in the hands of a homosexual
pimp who turned them all on his lovers in return for the food he gave them. In
all of them, I who was 34 years old was an illiterate obese elder, with dyed
blond hair and clear blue contact lenses.
I also found they were capturing new victims through
the internet. They presented their crime as an innocent game in which the
unwary would call herself Patricia Kunz and compete against Cirelda Gonzalez for
the love of a millionaire. They gave them pagan prayers they should do every
day to end with my home and make me become an old ugly obese woman. In their
prayer my son was to become homosexual and my daughter a prostitute and we
should lose all we had. The Patricias were different from each other in the
second surname. They were Patricia Kunz House, Patricia Kunz Car, Patricia Kunz
All, etc.because in Spanish Kunz sounds like with, so they were Patricia with a
Each time one of the victims discovered I was
attending in the Chapel of the Las Acacias urbanization, Caracas came to me and
her first surprise was that sister Cirelda was a size 7, 34 years old, brown
hair and eyes, professional and married woman. Not even close to the look of
the old, obese, blond hair and blue eyes woman they met on the internet. All of
them had lost their properties in the hands of the people they played with and
were suspended on their membership rights. Except for me that don’t match the pattern all victims were about 40 years
old obese women and many of them were well aware of who they hurt with their
prayers and defamation as they knew me. In fact when some ladies who knew me
from the school where I served as one of
the Charity Ladies of St. Vincent from Paul knew that I could hardly walk and
had many problems resulting from witchcraft ran back to the wizard they had
used to withdraw their jobs because they never thought they could kill me
trying to steal my appearance.
I am the only victim of the committee who did not receive
sanctions from the church; firstly because I'm not part of the unwary and
secondly because my life is an open book. All who know me know I am not
involved in anything wrong and have done all the good I had been able to do in
this world. I've always have the benefit of the esteem of members and when I
was attacked they stopped feeding the missionaries immediately in retaliation
for what they did. Yes, I said missionaries. The Committee’s members go on rule
mission to spend the time they should be dedicated to teaching gospel destroying
Mormon families. Place recording machines on ceilings of the chapels to spy on leaders’
private meetings to turn into gossip the private life of members whose problems
are discussed at these meetings. Begin the story with a "bishop is saying around”
or "the president told me" From their missionary’s condition is easy
to get into the homes of members allowing them to choose better their victims.
Age is no problem for them, attack elderly with the same violence they attack
young women. If you have a nice house or apartment you deserve the aggression.
I have seen women over age 70 desperate because they feel like someone has sex with
them and the blessings they get do not work.
The victim is surrounded by members of the Committee
because priesthood power resides in the dignity of the priest. Without a creditable
priest to bless you won’t be able to defend yourself from assailants. Most of
the missionaries involved with the Committee return from mission in the first
semester of it, always ensuring they are sick. Others have been expelled for
theft and other serious offenses but that's in other regions, not in the state
of Carabobo, where most members are either accomplices or victims of the
Committee. Here they have the benefit of absolute impunity; they are the
authority inside and outside the church. Nothing we do or say approaches us the
victims to justice. Faithful members can do nothing about it because as I said
before the leadership is in the hands of the guilty ones and the decent are not
even allowed give speeches. The few decent members who have callings have no
decision authority they are there only to obey. I am being harassed more than
10 years ago by the Committee, in all this time I had no one family home visit
teachers or visiting teachers visit. Everyone who has been able to harm me has
done it. I see Mormons spelling around my house the whole week and go to church
on Sundays to keep on their own vile job. They bring to church bags filled with
Juan Rotelio’s commissions for his accomplices. His commissions range from shed
this substance on that guy’s clothes and use this sheet to break that person’s
dress up to even this is your speech for today. Attending church here is like
attending a den of criminals. They steal, hurt you, haunt you in full
sacramental living and nobody does anything about it. Victims are defame by
gossipers in such way good members do not even notice the victims are so and
not criminals.
If you find it difficult to believe that a common citizen
is not entitled to sleep peacefully in his own home, to come and go in peace,
to keep his house clean and in order, dress well, live with dignity, that so
many people conspire to destroy a mere mortal remember I clearly said that I'm
just an ordinary citizen and I've never hurt anyone for free in this world. I
have not slept in my own bed in last ten years, pass the night sleepless
watching my children and trying to prevent Sainteers break into our house. I
have seen the betrayal between mine and I cried bitterly the disappointing I'm
They're dragging me to indigence and every time I try
to defend myself they break into my house and steal any evidence I have to
prove what they did. Those who should defend me, the citizens of law and order
are accomplices of my enemies. That is how I could not retrieve the BSF.
2,800,000 stole me the owner of Arte en Forja (Art Forge), neither the
4,500,000 that stole me the Forge man of the Paramacay Fort, Francisco Ruiz nor
any other amount that I had lost until today in the hands of Sainteers Mormons.
And since long ago they have been threatening me to kill my son if I don’t give
them my house.
Among the victims of the committee it is said that Orbi
Trans belongs to Cirelda Ana Gonzalez and my assailants say they are the
owners. I am not related to Cirelda Ana, I do not even know her. I know she was
born in the brothel of Juan Carlos Perez when I was 10 and is a granddaughter to
alias Ana Campos. Nor do I have anything to do with Juan Carlos Perez but he's
a drug dealer and runs the Cartel del Centro along with Libardo Parra, Juan
Rotelio Rodriguez and Juan Ernesto Menendez. They are the capos. Women at the
top of the Cartel are Milady Rodriguez, Maria Laura Pinto, Joana Pinto, Carmen Pinto, Carla Rodriguez,
Ana Rodriguez, Ana Betancourt (alias Cirelda Ana), Lissete Parra, Lizbeth Parra, Onelia Villasana,Hadáis Camacho, Amalia Perez y Amelia Perez, Bárbara Rodriguez
and an elderly woman named Adalgisa. Luis Verguez is the one who brings people to church to defame members. Luis Verguez is the one who brings people to church to defame members. According to what members of the church say
that is the family of President Hoffman and his wife who everyone says are the
biggest culprits, which then implies that the Harrington family, Patricia Kunz,
and Hanniec family who are the real Orbi Trans’ owners are part of the guilty.
The boys attacked generally fail to finish their
careers because these people pay to steal their grades and disqualify them academically.
Almost always they end up working for Taxi el Orbi, Natural Sunshine which had changed
its name to Natural Hoffman to evade responsibilities Cooperativa Union
Transporte Pinto and other companies belonging to these families. As I said
they pay the aggression and offer you the solution.
The boys involved generally spend seven years minus active
and when they return to church they already are part of the sheep of the Cartel.
There are many names I could give you but what I am really interested in is to
ask you not to be part of the hands torturing innocents. Especially ask you to do not become the finger
pointing to yours. If you have paid attention to my words you know it is
unconditional love, faith in them and a firm decision to care for yours what your
son or your brother in trouble needs. Do not blow him into the street to
succumb, keep him into your home and care for him as a little child. Watch his faults
and help him to overcome them. Love him and let him know he is valuable to you
every day of his life. The parents of the perpetrators work hard shoulder to
shoulder with their children in the destruction of good Christians. Do not help
I'm not their target; they have muddied my honor to
cover up their own facts. Have cross the drug over in front of the noses of the
ones who should stop them but were busy defaming and putting spells on me
without even knowing me. It doesn’t suit them that I become part of them because
I could do myself justice. Their target is you common citizen from anywhere in
the world that are naive enough to fall into their cells. Do not think that if
you do not live in Venezuela are not at risk. Drug dealing is the largest
transnational corporation in the world; they all know each other and are
related. Whatever your religious affiliation is beware and take care of yours.
Do not stop attending that's not what I want. Just after acquainting President
Chaves who died helplessly and President Monson to whom I gave this information
through the Ensign Magazine and I know he got it because I received an email
from the magazine saying they delivered it into his own hands I had waited a
reasonable time and so far I have not seen any action aimed at solving what is
happening here. Therefore I took the decision to inform members of the world so
they themselves can be alert to the presence of narcotics in the church of God.
I do not want to discredit the church that’s why I had
waited so long but someone has to say this or more victims will fall. I owe it
to those who loved and cared for me. As I said before I had always had the
benefit of the affection and respect of the members. There were people who love
and care for me everywhere I went. I remember as example sister Dominga Rodriguez's
who was my visiting teacher in San Cristobal, in a time when I was studying,
had two jobs, two small children to attend a calling at the stake and another
in my own unit on the first Sunday. My husband was brought from the frontier in
very bad condition and was hospitalized. The relief society president sent her
nephews to take care of my kids so I could go to the hospital that Sunday night.
On returning I found the kids had thrown food on the walls, floor and all over
the kitchen, I drove them home and back into my filthy kitchen and sat on the
floor to mourn in despair because that really was the height of stress for me
but she and her partner came in the middle of the night, cleaned my kitchen, I
served crackers with chamomile, gave me kisses and hugs like to a little girl
and veiled my dream until very late. I cannot ignore that people like them can
have their family in trouble this day. If I can do something about it I will
and you would help me greatly if you pass this information to others so they
can also be alert and protect their children from the clutches of drug
trafficking. I repeat do not stop attending, do not give any space to the
criminals. Uphold moral and spiritual values in
your community. Wolves are hunting among the sheep, Be you the shepherd.
Never forget when arguing with yours that a person in
trouble will gain nothing out of reproaches and recriminations. This works more
in the way it works when facing infidelity from recrimination and bitterness.
Just as the cheating husband runs to his mistress to get consolation the bad boy
will seek distraction in his bad friends. The reason why my children are safe
is that when I want at home instead of a rebuke or a constraint I bake a cake
and send a message saying how much I love them and how at home I have their
favorite cake waiting for them. My son appears at the door almost immediately.